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Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

The Optom…etrician?

David Langford, O.D. on March 26th, 2007 under Comics •  Comments Off on The Optom…etrician?

Confusion about what is an optometrist.

Seriously, I’ve heard countless times, “The last obstetrician I saw gave me these glasses that…”
Or, “Optometrist…that’s an eye doctor, right?”
It’s hard to believe they aren’t sure. I know in the back of their mind that they are confusing it with an OB.

I think we should make a Greek/Latin course mandatory in High School.

The Way of the Dodo?

David Langford, O.D. on March 25th, 2007 under Comics •  3 Comments

Will private practice optometry survive?

I’m not positive that solo private practice has an infinite future. It’s getting harder to compete without large volume. I think multi-doctor power practices and chain opticals with buying power are the only ones with a chance of staying in the game 20 years from now. Does anyone want to defend poor, little solo private practice optometry?


David Langford, O.D. on March 19th, 2007 under Comics •  1 Comment

phone-internet contact lens resalers are evil

If you go to a certain contact lens retailer with deep pockets to pay off Utah legislators, you will find the following quote,

The One Year Myth
Some eye care providers tell you that they cannot issue an expiration date of more than one year. This is not true. One year is a minimum, not a maximum. You should discuss your wearing habits and eye health with your eye care provider to determine if you can have a longer prescription length.

Their whole website is information on how to boss an eye doctor around. If they really want to alter standard clinical practice then they should utilize peer reviewed studies instead of trying to turn consumers into ignorant bullies.

Practice Consultants are Like Broken Records

David Langford, O.D. on March 18th, 2007 under Comics •  2 Comments

Pay for Advice by Raising Your Fees

Does anyone care to debate about this? Every time a read something by practice consultants, they invariably sneak a “raise your fees” quote in there somewhere.

I feel the cost of healthcare delivery is so high because of insurance companies. Insurance companies drive providers to set their fees higher than they would normally be because the insurance companies reimburse less than what the fees would normally be- plus they make us wait to get the money IF they decide they’ll pay at all.

Can’t we just cut out the middle man, a.k.a. the insurance companies? Then we can decrease the fee inflation so everyone can save.

And why is there vision insurance in the first place? That’s like getting haircut insurance or oil change insurance. The only ones getting rich are the insurance companies at the expense of both patients and doctors.

The Real Reason the Bank Mandates Life Insurance

David Langford, O.D. on March 17th, 2007 under Comics •  Comments Off on The Real Reason the Bank Mandates Life Insurance

Watch your six if you finance a cold start.

A funny movie could be made about an optometrist looking to open up a new practice. He goes to a convention where one of the booths has a less-than-reputable financing company from the wrong side of the tracks. Of course his practice starts slow, so he’s going to miss a payment. The mobster-backed financing company then decides to whack him, making it look like an accident, so that they can collect on the insurance and recoup the cost of the loan. The rest of the movie would be about him somehow avoiding all these “accidents” while feeling unlucky because he almost dies…a lot. Then he finds out that it’s really the mob after him, so he starts packing heat and kicking donkey.

Trendy Glasses

David Langford, O.D. on March 16th, 2007 under Comics •  1 Comment

Trendy Glasses Induce Temporal Field Scotoma

Lemon Juice Drops?

David Langford, O.D. on March 2nd, 2007 under Comics •  5 Comments

Optoblog Comic #4 Would you like to get some eyedrops?

I’ve got tons of these, and I’m going to continue posting them no matter what you say. Or…what you don’t say, I guess, since no one seems to comment whether or not they think the new Optoblog cartoons are funny. Sure, the art isn’t there yet, but you gotta admit the lines are semi-funny, right?

Settling Accounts

David Langford, O.D. on February 26th, 2007 under Comics •  Comments Off on Settling Accounts

Can I settle my account with small claims court or do you take bounced checks?

Did you all notice that the background is a nice sea-foam green?

Git ‘er Dilated

David Langford, O.D. on February 25th, 2007 under Comics •  Comments Off on Git ‘er Dilated

No dilation = risk

I worked on my “craft” today. I’m going draw all men and women patients as stick figures with tumbling E hands. Don’t ask me why the doctor is an elephant. I figured there were plenty of cats, dogs, and even chickens, but not enough elephants in cartoons.

For Free

David Langford, O.D. on February 23rd, 2007 under Comics •  Comments Off on For Free

I want my glasses for free.

Introducing the optoblog comic strip. These cartoons are in their infantsee infancy. I need to get something other than a mouse to draw with.