Dear Vendors: Don’t Try to Sell Me On Green
Dear Vendors,
Don’t try to sell me on green. Don’t try to entice me by telling me how “green” your product is. Don’t give me green bags. Don’t color your merchandising in earth tones.
The jig is up. We all know that anthropogenic global warming is hysterical. I know it’s your job to hoodwink doctoral-level-educated men and women, but this whole “go green” thing is even more of an insult to our intelligence than even the product your are trying to sell us.
Feel free to go back to marketing the old way: showing us how your product is going to help us make money and improve quality of life for our patients.
Please watch this video by Roy W. Spencer, former NASA climatologist and climate expert, and produced by Declaration Entertainment:
Note to to people on the fence: No one is advocating dumping toxic sludge into the river or aquifers.
Note to anthropogenic global warming hysterics: Move to the Amazon, you hippie. Ipso facto, America and all its greatness is not for you.
Tags: economy, politics, vendors
That’s a really cool video and explanation. I tend to agree that IF push really comes to shove and our environment is deteriorating because of CO2, we’ll have the technology at that point to engineer an effective solution.
This post is awesome. I love this part: “Feel free to go back to marketing the old way: showing us how your product is going to help us make money and improve quality of life for our patients.” As if that could ever go out of style. I might add, “feel free to not show it to me at all if you think showing up unsolicited at my door is the best way to sell me something!”