Walmart Health & Wellness Meeting 2010 Updates for 2010-05-05
- Breakfast was a really long line, but I still got my waffle. Good thing about WM conf is tons of food. #WMHW2010 #
- WM wants to be the leader in providing affordable healthcare to EVERY American. #WMHW2010 #
- Save money. Live better. is not just a tag line. It's a summary of a Sam Walton quote and an obligation to our customers. #WMHW2010 #
- 2500 vision centers in USA. 3700 pharmacies. 77 Clinics. 3 labs in USA, 2 in Mexico. #WMHW2010 #
- Top V.C.s yearly gross 1.2 to 1.8 Meeelion dollars. #WMHW2010 #
- IF we're supposed to get adv. Insruments and EMR, then we need a floor plan to accomodate it. #WMHW2010 #
- Staff training in talent, spoptical skills needs to step up. not just sales training. #WMHW2010 #
- 38 /58 /88 priced glasses are here to stay. There will be a back to school rollback for a daily contact brand. #WMHW2010 #
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