Interesting Eye Doctor Websites
I’ve come across some websites you may be interested in:
- Local Eye Site
- Wal*Mart OD
- Association of LensCrafters Leaseholding Doctors (ALL Docs)
Interesting because it allows all people who work in the eyecare field to use the same site for forums, job search, and buy/sell equipment or practice. I especially like how it is open so that anyone can read what has been posted without being registered. Registration is free if you want to post something.
See what your main competition is up to. You won’t be able to post anything, though, because registration is limited to Wal-Mart doctors like me.
See what the Lenscrafters eye doctors are up to at this website. From the looks of it, half the site is dedicated to their National Meeting which includes “recreational and social events to help unwind.” A.K.A. providing plenty of booze so you can get hammered and make funny faces while being photographed for their website.
But seriously, what professional organization doesn’t spend all your dues and sponsors’ donations in support of this glorified purpose?
Tags: Links, Organized Optometry, Wal-Mart
Take a wally world practice only as a last resort. I did it and wish I had’nt wasted my time. Sad , unprofessional, embarrassing way to practice. They say it’s you practice, It’s not at all.
Your experience is atypical. W-M practice is the real deal and future of primary care optometry.
Docs, if you want to be the disease king/queen, practice at a tertiary care setting or IHS or hospital. If you want good ol’ primary care, Wal-Mart is for you.
And like I’ve said before, if you want to be rich…why did you become an optometrist?