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Optoblog Podcast 2005-06-11

on June 11th, 2005 | Filed under Optoblog, Podcast

I probably won’t transcribe my podcasts unless they are really interesting. Since this is my first one, it’s just me talking about this site. At the end is some surprise information that you won’t want to miss. 😉
In the future, I intend these podcasts to be recorded conversations and interviews with other interesting eye care professionals and industry persons.
You can listen to it by clicking Optoblog Podcast for 2005-06-11 or you can just use your iPodder application to automatically grap this and future podcasts. Simply copy the feedburner site feed into iPodder’s subscription list.
For those of you who have no idea what a podcast is please see ipodder.com or podcastx.com

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2 Responses to “Optoblog Podcast 2005-06-11”

  1. Bethany says:

    Congratulations on your big news– you have an exciting roller coaster ahead of you– our practice will be celebrating its 4th anniversary next month, so we’ve been where you are. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. Before we opened, we hired a practice consultant, Dr. Gary Gerber (www.powerpractice.com), to help us along the way– best decision we EVER made. We have already surpassed our wildest hopes & dreams for the growth of our practice, and for the most part have enjoyed the ride. Good luck!

  2. Awesome! Glad to see you podcasting, Dave. I’m subscribed, and I’ll have a listen after it’s downloaded.

    I’m not trying to take any credit, but I feel a swell of geeky pride watching you blogging (and now podcasting). You SO get it, and I hope you’re having as much fun as I am. :mrgreen: