Posts Tagged ‘off topic’
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-24
- State senator in Utah proposes that we eliminate the 12 grade in our State! #
Systane Ultra in Eldorado, Tx National Geographic Photo?
I got my copy of the February 2010 National Geographic today (I have a fair and balanced waiting room: Guns and Ammo and National Geographic). There’s a big feature article about life in the FLDS church. On page 61 with the photo of the Jessop family offering a morning prayer, there is a small bottle on the sink counter-top in the background, and I’m pretty sure it’s a bottle of Systane Ultra.
I’d post the picture, but I’m not sure if I’d get sued by NG, so just go find a copy and tell me if you think it’s some other eye drop brand.
Tags: eye drops, medicines, off topicTwitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-20
- Writing our Christmas letter. #
- This is just gross. Eventually, some eye doctor is going to ask, "So how did you scratch your eye? #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-29
- All contact lens wearers need to read this at my practice website. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-27
- New blog post: Glaucoma 1969 to 2009 #
- @jwarrenod I'm sorry John. Link to what? By the way, your podcasts talking with Walt are awesome and you should do more. in reply to jwarrenod #
- I filmed Napoleon Dynamite Goes to Mutual as a video-skit entry in our ward talent show. It's flippin' awesome. #
- Glaucoma 1969 to 2009 link is: #
- Napoleon Dynamite goes to Mutual was updated. #