Eye Science Podcasting Site
Josh Young, MD is an ophthalmologist out on the bleeding edge. He has a podcast featuring interviews of experts in the ophthalmic community. (His podcast even includes cool segway music.) Visit his site, As Seen From Here, and subscribe to his podcasts. He even has a great tutorial for podcasting newbies on how to automatically receive his podcasts.
As a student extern, I used to listen to Audio Archives of Ophthalmology that the office owned. When I left that rotation, I no longer had access to this since the tapes are expensive to get. Now I can resume listening to the latest pertinent topics in eye care with Dr. Young’s free podcast. Very nice.
Sure, I don’t have a long commute to work anymore (the hospital boarders my back yard), but at least I can listen while doing laundry, cleaning, etc.
The best part is Dr. Young has a phone number you can call to ask questions, so you can be on his podcast!
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